Best Software to Detect AI Writing: Top Picks




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Artificial intelligence (AI) has made some remarkable advances in the last decade. With machines now capable of writing their own content, it can be difficult to tell what is written by a human and what was generated by an AI algorithm. To combat this problem, there are now specialized software tools that can detect AI-generated content with accuracy and speed.

If you’re wondering which one is right for your needs, we’ve got you covered! In this blog post, we’ll compare 10 of the best software options available today for detecting AI-written text. Our comparison chart will break down each tool’s primary features along with pricing points and more so you can better decide which one is best suited for your organization’s needs. So without further ado – let’s get into it!

10 Best AI Detector Software

AI detectors are increasingly becoming essential for businesses, academics, content marketers, and educators to detect artificial intelligence (AI) generated text. Here’s a quick look at some of the best AI detector software out there:

Originality AI: Known as the best overall AI detector tool, Originality provides accurate detection assessments of up to 90% accuracy with its advanced machine learning algorithms. It also supports scanning of large documents such as essays or dissertations with ease.

Content at Scale AI Detector: Designed specifically for content marketers and academics alike, this free tool offers an intuitive user interface and features that enable users to detect any sort of plagiarism or automated writing within minutes.

Winston AI: With clear and precise assessment results in near-real time speeds combined with deep dive insights into where each piece of detected text originated from, Winston’s AI tool stands out among other options available on the market today.

GLTR (Giant Language Model Test Room): Developed by MIT-IBM Watson Artificial Intelligence Lab, this free tool can detect GPT-2 model-generated content using natural language processing techniques while filtering out non-relevant information too.

Writer AI Content Detector: This easy to use tool allows you to detect automated writing by just entering the URL of a page containing text you wish to check for authenticity along with customizing your scan settings based on your specific needs too! 6 . OpenAI Output Detector (Hugging Face): Freely available from OpenAI’s Github page is Outputdetect – an open source python library designed specifically for detecting GPT2 generated text from any written material including articles or books! 7 . Kazan SEO: Developed especially with SEO in mind, this powerful yet user friendly suite can scan through large websites quickly and effectively distinguish between human written pieces versus computer generated ones so you don’t have worry about risking getting penalized due to plagiarised content! 8 . Crossplag: Intuitive online platform that helps weed out artificially created content using advanced Natural Language Processing technology which ensures accuracy rates around 95%. 9 . Copyleaks : A great solution for those looking protect their intellectual property rights via comprehensive checks every month on previously submitted works against potential theft attempts made using computer automation techniques! 10 . Sapling : Sapling is a free beginner friendly software meant for everyday use providing high accuracy when it comes detecting automatically produced texts without having go

Originality AI: Best Overall AI detector

Originality AI is the best overall AI detector and one of the top software used to detect AI writing. It is specifically designed to detect AI writing and identify any instances of content being plagiarized or not being original.

Originality AI focuses on detecting the originality of the content by analyzing it with advanced algorithms and deep learning models. The Artificial Intelligence-based algorithm helps in accurately detecting any instances of machine-generated content, using sophisticated techniques like Natural Language Processing (NLP) and contextual understanding. It even flags up small changes that are made to human-written text for further investigation.

Originality AI also offers additional features like automated copyright infringement detection, auto alerting & notification, automated duplicate detection, quick analysis time, unrestricted file size support & integration with popular platforms like WordPress & Google Drive. This combination makes it a great tool for anyone looking to prevent their work from being stolen or misused by others without permission or attribution.


When it comes to pricing, the cost of AI content detectors varies depending on what you’re looking for.

Originality AI offers a pay-as-you-go model based on the number of credits you purchase and they start at $20 for 2,000 credits up to $1,000 for 100,000 credits. You can also use their API which has different plans starting from free for up to 500 requests per month and going up to $499/month with unlimited requests.

GPTZero’s Classic plan is free but limited to 5,000 characters per document and 3 files per batch upload. Their Educator plan costs $9.99 per month with up to 50K character limit per document and an unlimited batch file uploads option while their Pro plan is priced at $19.99 with the same limitiations as the Educator version but allows for multiple team members accesses too. Lastly, their Enterprise/business API plans are available upon request so contact them directly if this is something that interests you.

Writer offers a free detector for up to 1,500 characters but requires API access if more than that is needed so contact them directly about pricing details there too. Copyleaks AI Content Detector is completely free as well as Crossplag AI Content Detector offers several scans without signing in or creating an account firstly which comes in really handy when testing out their service first before committing long term! Sapling AI Detector also has both paid and unpaid versions with different features included so make sure you check all of these out when considering your options!

Originality AI’s Standout Features is a comprehensive AI content detection tool that can accurately detect whether the content was written by humans or AI. It supports all NLP models, including GPT-3 and other state-of-the-art AI models. With its range of features, it’s easy to see why it’s one of the top rated AI detectors available today.

One of Originality AI’s standout features is its plagiarism checking capabilities. This feature allows users to search for potential plagiarized passages in their documents and compare them against millions of sources online for accuracy and thoroughness.

Originality also provides an API to allow third-party integrations with other tools such as Microsoft Word, Google Docs, Slack, etc., making it easier than ever to use the software across multiple platforms with ease. Moreover, the Chrome extension makes workflows simpler and faster than ever before since you don’t have to leave your browser window while using the tool.

The software operates on a credit-based model which is priced at $0.001 per 100 words processed by Originality AI’s engine; this makes it cost effective for those who are looking to scan large volumes of text quickly without sacrificing accuracy or precision in detecting generated text pieces from AIs like GPT3 or OpenAI Output Detector (Hugging Face). Lastly, Originality has an impressive accuracy rate of almost 94% when compared against manual checks done by human experts – making it one of the best tools available in recognizing potential generated content from AIs


Using AI writing detection software has several advantages that can help businesses and individuals alike. It can help prevent plagiarism by identifying AI-generated content, ensuring originality and authenticity of the work. Additionally, it can improve writing quality and consistency as well as provide real-time feedback and suggestions to enhance writing skills.

Moreover, AI detectors offer advanced grammar and spell-check features to assist in detecting bias in order to maintain objective writing. It also supports multiple languages and writing styles while helping automate content moderation by filtering out inappropriate or offensive language. This saves time and effort from manual editing or proofreading while some software even integrates with popular word processors such as Microsoft Word or Google Docs for maximum convenience.


It is important to consider the cons of each AI content detector before choosing the one that best suits your needs.

Originality AI is known for its false positives, meaning that sometimes it will incorrectly detect human-written text as AI generated. Additionally, Originality does not offer a free trial version and highlights human text as AI generated from time to time. Also, this tool only supports English language detection.

Content at Scale has some false negatives where it may incorrectly label human-written texts as AI generated in long-form content. In addition, its detection capability could be improved further.

AI Text Classifier requires a minimum of 1000 characters input for detecting content written by chatbot models and can generate false positives when incorrectly labeling human written texts as artificially produced ones. Furthermore, this tool does not highlight any detected artificial intelligence text from the outputted results.

GPTZero has occasional false negatives which can lead to inaccurate results on occasion but offers otherwise reliable output scores that can be confusing to interpret due to their presentation format in the interface. Finally, GLTR’s complex UI makes it difficult for novice users and limits its model capability only to GPT2 natural language processing tasks.

Content at Scale AI Detector: Best Free AI Detector

Content at Scale is a great free AI detector tool for those who want to test their content on a budget. It can check content generated with ChatGPT, GPT-3, and other AI models in just minutes.

Content at Scale provides a detailed content score based on predictability, probability, and pattern. Each sentence is flagged with color-coded AI detectability that makes it easy to identify human and machine-generated text.

The tool also offers the ability to create long-form content with over 2,000 words of length which are generated by artificial intelligence algorithms in real time. Furthermore, Content at Scale supports multiple languages and scans up to 25,000 characters of text making it an ideal tool for all kinds of writers.

Despite its many features and benefits there are still some drawbacks associated with Content at Scale’s accuracy as it sometimes has false negatives where it will falsely highlight human written text as AI generated. Plus the detection capability could be improved but overall this is one of the best free tools out there when it comes to detecting AI writing accurately while offering additional services such as content optimization too!

Content at Scale AI Detector’s standout features

Content at Scale AI Detector is an advanced software designed to detect artificial intelligence (AI) generated content. It offers powerful features such as the ability to detect plagiarism in large volumes of text and to quickly identify potential matches with other sources.

The standout features of Content at Scale AI Detector include:

Automated Detection: The tool can scan through large amounts of content quickly, allowing you to check for plagiarism without spending hours manually searching for it.

Comprehensive Database: This tool has access to a massive database that contains billions of webpages and articles from around the world, ensuring all potential cases are covered.

Real-Time Updates: The software will constantly update its database so that you always get accurate and up-to-date results on any new pieces of text you scan.

Customization Options: You can customize the settings according to your needs, including setting limiters or filters for different types of content.

AI Text Classifier: Best for Detecting ChatGPT Model

AI Text Classifier is a free tool from OpenAI that can detect AI-generated content. It uses natural language processing (NLP) and artificial intelligence (AI) to identify human content as “very unlikely” to be generated by an AI model, and labels OpenAI’s own platform’s outputs as “unlikely” or “unclear” when it comes to being produced by an AI model – both with and without the additional prompt.

One of the biggest advantages of this detector is its ability to identify copy written in all popular languages, such as English, French, Spanish, German, Hindi, Russian and Japanese. It also provides a finding but no precise score which makes it useful for detecting ChatGPT models where the goal is simply to determine whether something has been written by an artificial intelligence system or not.

This tool also doesn’t highlight specific sections of copy for their likelihood of being AI-generated or not; instead it just gives a general indication based on its analysis of the whole input text. This makes it easier for users who are not particularly tech-savvy but still want some assurance that what they’re dealing with isn’t potentially maliciously automated content.

AI Text Classifier’s standout features

The AI Text Classifier is an OpenAI-developed model that can detect the likelihood of a piece of text being generated by an AI. It’s trained with texts from 34 different models across five organizations, and it is available via a web interface.

This tool is more accurate in detecting AI in long pieces of text, and it requires a minimum of 1,000 characters for analysis. Instead of providing precise scores, the classifier labels content as very unlikely, unlikely, unclear, possibly or likely to be AI-generated – which makes it easy to differentiate between human-written content and machine-generated content.

Although this classifier is free to use (with an OpenAI account), there are some drawbacks; it doesn’t highlight sections that have been written by machines nor does it provide precise accuracy scores. Additionally, false positives can occur where human written content may be incorrectly identified as being generated by an AI system.

GPTZero: Best for Educators

GPTZero is an AI content detector specifically built for educators. It claims to be more accurate than the AI Text Classifier in detecting ChatGPT, GPT-3, GPT-2, and LLaMA models. With GPTZero, users can type in text or upload PDFs, DOCXs, and TXTs to scan for AI content. Multiple files can be uploaded at once too – making it an ideal tool for classroom use!

GPTZero’s standout features include its free plan that requires registration as well as its three paid plans; including the Classic, Educator and Pro packages. Not only does GPTZero provide a perplexity score and burstiness score of your text but it also requires a minimum of 250 characters before analysis begins — perfect if you’re looking to detect subtle nuances of AI writing.

In addition to this, GPTZero supports batch file uploads which makes scanning large batches of work much easier than ever before. If you’re looking for an easy-to-use yet comprehensive tool that will help you detect AI writing quickly and accurately — then look no further than GTPTZero!

GPTZero’s Standout Features

GPTZero is a top software for detecting AI writing and has some unique features that make it stand out from other content detectors. It employs advanced AI models to detect sophisticated plagiarism, automated content generation, and AI-generated text in both online and offline sources.

GPTZero can detect if the text was generated using popular language models such as GPT2 or OpenAI’s Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT). Additionally, it can identify the level of sophistication of any given text by measuring its similarity with existing texts. This makes GPTZero great for educators who are looking to monitor student progress in writing assignments.

Another standout feature is GPTZero’s real-time feedback feature which allows students to quickly assess their written submissions before submitting them for grading. The feedback includes suggestions on how to improve the writing piece as well as information on what type of language model was used to generate it and any issues detected with the generated text.

Finally, GPTZero offers comprehensive reports so users can track their results over time and see how their writing pieces compare against others’. This makes it easier for users to identify areas where they need improvement so they can continue developing their skillset long after completing their assignment.

What Are the Best AI Detectors?

When looking for the best AI detectors, it’s important to consider a few key factors. The most important factor is accuracy – you’ll want an AI detector that can accurately identify text generated by AI models. You’ll also want to consider the price point of the detector as well as features such as integration capabilities and ease of use.

Originality AI is a popular choice for those looking for a reliable, accurate AI detector at an affordable price point. WinstonAI is another great choice for detecting artificial intelligence writing; it uses advanced natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to detect plagiarized content and originality-related issues in real-time.

GLTR (Giant Language Model Test Room), WriterAI Content Detector, OpenAI Output Detector (Hugging Face) are all great choices for detecting artificially generated text with high accuracy rates. Kazan SEO’s Copywriting Spam Score tool provides comprehensive detection of AI-generated texts, while Crossplag offers one of the most complete solutions with its document similarity algorithm and wide range of API options. Copyleaks focuses on security testing & monitoring, scanning websites & documents in order to detect any plagiarism or fraud attempts in real-time with high accuracy levels.

Content At Scale provides a free AI content detection solution which can scan millions of pieces of content from different sources quickly, making it ideal for detecting large volumes of AI generated texts quickly & accurately. Sapling provides state-of-the art tools which enable users to create custom tests that enable quick & accurate identification & filtering out faked or copied texts written by machines efficiently & accurately using patented deep learning technologies powered by natural language processing (NLP). GPTZero is an excellent pick for educators due to its comprehensive set of features including automated assessment system which can detect and measure grammar errors in real time with more than 90% precision rate; ZeroGPT offers similar features but allows users access via browser extension instead while PassedAI stands out by offering a powerful yet user friendly automated platform utilizing state-of-the art technologies like Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing creating detailed reports including grades within minutes after uploading your material into their system quickly identifying any signs or clues indicating whether your material was written by machine or human authors easily helping you decide whether you should accept/reject them depending on your requirements or standards easily saving both time and money avoiding legal problems such as copyright issues if accidentally submitted already published materials etc significantly improving your workflow efficiency eventually making everyone’s life

How Accurate Are AI Content Detectors?

AI content detectors are computer programs designed to detect AI-generated writing. The accuracy of these programs depends on the sophistication and complexity of the algorithms used in detecting artificial intelligence writing.

Most software claim to be highly accurate in detecting AI-written content, however there is a chance of false positives or false negatives as they may not be able to accurately detect all types of AI-generated writing. One should consider the limitations and potential false positives or false negatives when using such tools.

The best way to ensure accuracy is by testing various software with different inputs before making any decision. It is important to note that some tools may require additional training data sets for better performance, so it’s essential to do research beforehand and make sure that the tool can meet your specific requirements when it comes to detecting AI-generated content.

Top 13 AI Content Detectors: In A Nutshell (2023)

In 2023, AI content detectors are becoming increasingly popular as more organizations and individuals look for ways to detect AI-generated content. With so many options to choose from, it can be hard to know which one is best for your needs. To help narrow down your choices, here’s a quick overview of the top 13 AI content detectors: This all-in-one platform helps you detect automated writing, plagiarism, grammar errors and typos in both text and audio/video formats with its built-in Natural Language Processing (NLP) algorithms.

Winston AI: This tool uses advanced deep learning algorithms to accurately identify tools like GPT3 that generate automated text or conversation outputs.

GLTR (Giant Language Model Test Room): Developed by Harvard NLP researchers, this open source software uses natural language processing models to identity generated texts from human writings with high accuracy in short time frames.,

Writer AI Content Detector: This cloud-based tool is designed specifically for detecting artificial intelligence generated writing from various sources including blog posts, articles and webpages without compromising the speed of detection or the accuracy of results.,

OpenAI Output Detector (Hugging Face): Developed using Hugging Face’s Transformer Library, this open source solution uses their proprietary “topology detection” technique to accurately identify generated texts regardless of their length or complexity.,

Kazan SEO: This software combines a range of ML algorithms with NLP techniques for accurate recognition of machine output as well as humans written paragraphs., 7 Crossplag Plagiarism Detection Software: Using advanced natural language processing techniques such as tokenization and lemmatization along with deep learning analysis; this software quickly identifies phrases and sentences that have been copied from external sources., 8 Copyleaks Text Comparison Tool: Designed for legal use cases such as documents authentication & verification; this tool checks millions of webpages within seconds including documents stored on CMS websites like WordPress & Wix., 9 Content At Scale Artificial Intelligence Detector: A free online platform developed by computer scientists at NYU; it scans over hundreds of millions of pages using statistical analysis methods combined with ML predictive analytics everyday to spot fake news & malicious intent quickly., 10 Sapling Anti-Plagiarism Scanner Software : Using advanced neural networks powered by its proprietary intellectual repository containing

What Are The Best AI Detector Tools

When it comes to detecting AI writing, there are a few different tools that stand out from the rest. is one of the most popular and reliable AI detector tools on the market. It uses advanced algorithms to detect AI-generated content across any platform, including websites, blogs, and social media posts. It’s designed to be easy to use and is equipped with powerful features such as plagiarism checker, sentiment analysis tool, grammatical error detection system, and more. Winston AI is another great choice for those looking for an effective AI detector tool. It can detect both human-written text as well as machine generated content with high accuracy. It also offers features such as syntax checking and keyword extraction capabilities to help users make sure their content is original and engaging.

GLTR (Giant Language Model Test Room) is a free open source tool developed by OpenAI that can detect text produced by GPT-3 model in conversations or articles written online quickly and accurately. Writer AI Content Detector uses natural language processing (NLP) techniques paired with contextual understanding deep learning technologies to flag suspiciously similar articles in real-time so you can check if your work has been duplicated or copied without attribution anywhere online or within internal documents within organizations. OpenAI Output Detector (Hugging Face) works similarly but focuses specifically on detecting output generated by OpenAI models such as GPT-2 or GPT-3 which are widely used in chatbot development today due to their ability to generate human like responses quickly without much training data required unlike other NLP models available today.

1. is one of the best AI content detectors in the market, offering a comprehensive set of features and accuracy levels that other detection tools simply cannot match. It can detect AI-generated texts with approximately 94% accuracy while simultaneously highlighting any plagiarized content that’s discovered.

In addition to text scanning, it also allows for URL scanning and has team collaboration capabilities for easier management. For even easier integrations, there is a Chrome extension available for easy scanning as well. The pricing is based on a pay-as-you-go model with $.01 per credit, starting at $20 for 2,000 credits (or from 0 to 1 million words).

The tool requires a minimum 50 word count when scanning text for AI and plagiarism checks. It offers useful features like predictive analysis by training your data sets to predict AI writer texts from various tools like GPT2 or Grover models and provides an intuitive user interface with real-time results reporting system which makes it simple to understand how accurate the detection was in each case.

Pros include responsive customer support, high accuracy score (94%), built-in plagiarism checker, team management capabilities and ability to predict AI writer text from various tools such as GPT2 or Grover models. However some cons include false positives being flagged occasionally, lack of free trial option and support only English language texts at this time..

2. Winston AI

Winston AI is an extremely powerful and accurate tool for detecting AI-generated content. It offers a wide range of features, like its plagiarism tool, OCR (Optical Character Recognition) for images or screenshots, file uploads and document management capabilities. In addition to this, it also has the ability to detect ChatGPT-generated content with great accuracy.

Winston AI is highly recommended by experts for its all-in-one functionality and capability in detecting artificial intelligence generated content quickly and efficiently. Its user interface is clean and easy to use so even beginners can benefit from using this tool with minimal setup time. Moreover, you can customize the settings according to your own preferences as the software provides plenty of options to do so.

3. GLTR (Giant Language Model Test Room)

GLTR (Giant Language Model Test Room) is an AI-powered text detector that helps users determine if a given input text has been generated by a machine or not. It works by overlaying the text with a colored mask which indicates the probability of it being computer-generated. The tool further provides top predicted words, probabilities, and histograms for word categories, giving you important insights into whether the content is original or automated.

GLTR’s model is based on OpenAI’s GPT-2 117M language model and its accuracy rate is quite good even at large scales. However, it can’t detect large scale abuse in some cases and this limitation has sparked ideas for similar projects to be developed in order to tackle this issue.

Overall, GLTR is an effective tool for detecting artificial intelligence generated content without needing to access the actual language model used to generate it. It can help you stay informed of where your content stands up against AI models and provide additional information about how much of your content may have been created using automation techniques.

4. Writer AI Content Detector

Writer AI Content Detector is a powerful and effective tool for detecting AI-generated content. It offers a wide range of features to help you detect any potential AI-generated text, such as automatic extraction from URLs and built-in plagiarism checker.

The detector works on up to 1,500 characters at once, which is enough for most common use cases. If you need more than that, API access will be required. The tool also provides an overall score without marking specific sections as likely or unlikely to be AI-generated.

Writer AI Content Detector integrates with third-party services like Contentful, Figma, and Chrome extension – giving it the potential to quickly detect large amounts of content with ease. In addition, the customer support team is responsive and helpful when needed.

However, there are some drawbacks that should be considered before making your choice – false positives can occur occasionally; they don’t have a free trial option; and it only supports English language at the moment.

5. OpenAI Output Detector (Hugging Face)

The OpenAI Output Detector (also called Hugging Face) is an AI detector created by OpenAI and powered by the Transformers pipeline. It can detect AI-generated text with approximately 95% accuracy, making it one of the best tools available for identifying potential machine generated content.

The tool compares a given piece of text against a variety of different outputs from the GPT-2 model, which was developed by OpenAI in 2019. It then provides users with insights into whether or not a piece of content appears to have been written by an AI system. Additionally, it also highlights any sections that are “very unlikely” to have been generated by an AI system or any sections where it’s unclear if it was written by human or machine.

What makes this detector stand out is that it is free to use and requires no registration in order to get started. The downside however is that while its findings are clear enough for most use cases, there are no numerical scores attached nor does the tool highlight specific sections of copy as being more likely to be computer-generated than others.

6. Kazan SEO

Kazan SEO is a great tool for anyone looking to detect AI writing. Using advanced algorithms, it can quickly and accurately scan through texts and identify any signs of AI written content. It’s also capable of detecting plagiarism and copyright infringement, making it a powerful tool in the battle against online fraud.

Kazan SEO is intuitive and user-friendly, allowing anyone to start using it right away with minimal setup required. Additionally, its powerful features make it easy to customize your search parameters according to your specific needs. You can choose from multiple languages as well as tweak your search queries according to keywords or phrases used. This makes it incredibly helpful when you have large amounts of text that you need scanned quickly but accurately.

With its advanced capabilities, Kazan SEO can help ensure that all the content published online is authentic and original – something that has become increasingly important over the years due to the rise of AI technology being utilized for malicious purposes such as generating false information or creating deepfake news stories. It’s a great tool that helps keep web publishing honest while protecting intellectual property rights at the same time!

7. Crossplag

Crossplag is one of the most reliable options for detecting AI writing. It’s an advanced plagiarism detection tool that can quickly detect artificial intelligence-generated content. It has a range of features designed to make it easier for users to detect AI generated writings, including a comprehensive database and an easy-to-use platform.

Crossplag comes with a variety of tools such as similarity checker, text matching and semantic analysis which can help you easily identify AI-generated texts. Additionally, its sophisticated algorithm enables you to scan massive amounts of data in order to detect any copied or modified content generated by machine learning algorithms.

The software also offers unique features such as white label integration, auto language recognition and unlimited storage space which are particularly useful for organizations that need to conduct large scale searches. Plus, Crossplag provides 24/7 customer service support making it easier for users to get help if they have any queries or issues related to using the software.

In conclusion, if you’re looking for a reliable and powerful solution for detecting AI writing then Crossplag is definitely worth checking out!

8. Copyleaks

Copyleaks is an AI-based plagiarism detector that can detect and identify content generated using Artificial Intelligence technology. It promises up to 99.12% accuracy in detecting AI-generated text, making it a great tool for those who need to make sure their work is original and free of any copied material. Copyleaks supports multiple languages including French, Spanish, German, and more.

The software also uses AI to detect instances of AI-generated text and can adjust itself accordingly when new chatbot models are released – like the upcoming ChatGPT 4 model release by OpenAI later this year. This makes Copyleaks a great choice for content writers who want to ensure their content is not only unique but also up-to-date with the latest advancements in artificial intelligence technologies.

Copyleaks offers several features specifically designed for content marketing agencies such as integrated plagiarism checking tools, customizable filters, detailed reports on sources detected, and a handy Chrome extension for easy access on any web browser. The software is free to use but has a starting price of $8.33 per month if you choose their annual subscription option – making it an affordable option for businesses looking to invest in reliable anti-plagiarism measures.

9. Content At Scale

Content At Scale is a powerful AI writing detection tool that offers scalability and accuracy in detecting AI-generated content. It uses advanced algorithms to identify plagiarism, literary theft, and misattributed content in large volumes of data. The software can detect both human-written and machine-generated texts and can be used for automated processing of large amounts of text.

Content At Scale also offers efficient search capabilities that enable users to filter out potential duplicate or suspicious content quickly. This helps organizations save time by avoiding the need to manually review each piece of content generated by their team members or third parties. Additionally, an integrated alert system notifies users whenever any suspicious activity is detected so they can take necessary measures.

The software’s API integration enables easy integration with other applications such as WordPress, Google Docs, Dropbox, etc., allowing for seamless collaboration across multiple platforms. This makes it easier for organizations to maintain security protocols while keeping track of all activities related to their content creation processes.

10. is a powerful AI detector tool that has been designed to detect AI-generated content and protect businesses from plagiarism. It offers the capability to scan various types of text, including SEO, educational, marketing, and academic content.

The software’s main features include comprehensive detection capabilities for most forms of AI-written content – such as chatbots, GPT-3 models, natural language processing systems (NLP), and deep learning algorithms – thus helping businesses stay ahead of potential plagiarism threats. Moreover, offers support for multiple languages and can identify suspicious phrases in different languages quickly and accurately.

In terms of pricing plans, starts at $25 per month with additional volume discounts available for larger organizations or businesses that require more scans per month than the standard plan provides for. Although it doesn’t offer any free plans or trial versions yet, its excellent customer service team is always available to help users understand how the software works before they commit to purchasing it.

Despite its many advantages over other AI detectors on this list however; some potential cons of using Sapling include false negatives which could lead to some content slipping through undetected as well as the need for improvement in its overall detection capabilities when it comes to identifying certain types of texts like academic research papers or scientific documents with highly technical jargon or terminology being used in them that may not be detected by the software’s current algorithms yet

11. GPTZero

GPTZero is an AI content detection tool that can be used to identify writing generated by AI models. It has both free and paid versions, with the latter offering additional features like bulk uploading capabilities and a plagiarism checker.

We tested GPTZero with three human-written samples: an essay, a blog post, and a forum discussion post. The results were extremely impressive; GPTZero identified all three as likely to be entirely human. It’s worth noting that some of the other AI detectors we looked at flagged these same pieces as having been written by an AI model.

Although the free version of GPTZero only provides you with a score and pre-loaded examples, the paid version allows for more sophisticated analysis and customization options. This makes it ideal for educators or anyone who needs more detailed feedback on their writing samples without having to manually inspect them themselves or use multiple different tools.

12. ZeroGPT

ZeroGPT is a great option for those looking to detect AI-generated content. It offers a free version and a paid version that provides an overall score and sentence highlighting for content.

ZeroGPT has been tested against various text sources, such as human texts and GPT-3 generated texts, and it identified the human content as mostly human and the AI content as almost entirely AI. However, it may not have detected the “perplex” and “bursty” ChatGPT content as Artificial Intelligence without further analysis.

Unlike other more expensive solutions, ZeroGPT is free of charge, making it a great choice if you are on a budget or need access to basic insights about your writings’ originality quickly. Not only does this tool identify plagiarized content but also detect AI-generated writing samples from programs like GPT-3 with ease.

The user interface is intuitive and easy to use which makes ZeroGPT one of the best tools in 2023 when it comes to detecting Artificial Intelligence generated texts quickly & efficiently.

13. Passed AI

Passed AI is a comprehensive AI content detection tool that offers advanced features such as auto-categorization, sentiment scoring, and document embedding. It can detect AI-generated text in any language with great accuracy. This makes it perfect for detecting chatbot conversations and other automated texts across multiple channels.

The Passed AI algorithm uses deep learning models to detect machine generated texts, and its understanding of natural languages allows it to distinguish between human written content and machine generated output. It also provides an API integration option so you can easily add the service into your content production workflow.

What sets Passed AI apart from other detectors is its ability to recognize subtleties in the writing style that are specific to each language – something that many other services don’t offer. The platform also provides powerful analytics tools such as topic modeling and summarization capabilities which make it easy to analyze large amounts of data quickly and accurately.

Wrapping Up: Top AI Content Detectors

Now that we’ve discussed the 13 best AI content detectors, it’s time to wrap up our discussion. All of the tools mentioned in this article are highly effective at detecting AI-generated text. Though they vary in features, accuracy, and cost, each one can be a useful addition to your arsenal of content-detection tools.

Originality AI is our top pick for overall quality and reliability when it comes to detecting AI writing. Its powerful algorithms accurately detect machine-written text without putting you out of pocket too much or forcing you to jump through hoops with complex user interfaces. Content At Scale’s free version makes it perfect for those on a budget who need only basic detection capabilities, while AI Text Classifier stands out as one of the few options that can identify chatbot models specifically. And GPTZero offers educators an easy way to quickly screen student papers for plagiarism or automated writing techniques with minimal fuss.

In conclusion, no matter which tool you use, knowing how to detect artificial intelligence generated content is essential if you want accurate results from your research projects and publications. With these 13 top software picks in mind, you’ll have no problem finding the right detector for your needs!

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